Monthly Archives: August 2015
Vaguely interesting (Aug 27)
Vaguely interesting (Aug 25)
(1) Trumpism looks a lot like Europe’s nationalist populist parties.
(2) Hispanics really like Hillary, think Jeb Bush is OK, and really dislike Trump.
(4) Twisdom: “The stock market is the only market where things go on sale and all the customers run out of the store….”
(5) Investment advice that starts off strong (i.e., don’t sell in the middle of a meltdown), and then says something not-quite-optimal: that you should buy stocks when you make money from work and sell stocks when you’re retired and spend money. But, you know, a day you get paid isn’t necessarily a good day to buy stocks. And a day you spend money isn’t necessarily a good day to sell stocks.
Vaguely interesting (Aug 21)
(2) The “fertile phase” is often not: “Anovulation in a random population occurs in over a third of clinically normal menstrual cycles.”
(3) Studying abroad teaches students that foreigners are weird and inferior, but not threatening.
(5) Pew studies racial bias using the Implicit Association Test (IAT).
Vaguely interesting (Aug 20)
Vaguely interesting (Aug 18)
Vaguely interesting (Aug 14)
Vaguely interesting (Aug 12)
Vaguely interesting (Aug 7)
Vaguely interesting (Aug 3)
(2) Non-bright kids from rich families are more likely to make lots of money than bright kids from poor families in the UK. (A note to my brighter/poorer academic friends: This situation is generally comforting, rather than appalling, to people who are richer than they are bright.)
(4) A great conversation on how to think about early-stage presidential polling.